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Index of all Fields and Methods


addAssetListener(AssetListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
call to register interest in this asset
addMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
call this method to add a listener for movie events
addMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
call this method to add a listener for movie events
addMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
call this method to add a listener for callback events
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer
adjustMatrix(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECPlayer
adjustMatrix(Matrix). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
Asset(String). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
default constructor which just stores the asset location and calls initialize()
assetChanged(AssetEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
assetChanged(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
sent to the image to indicate that the image asset has been changed
assetChanged(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sent to the movie to indicate that the movie asset has been changed
assetChanged(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sent to the movie to indicate that the movie asset has been changed
AssetEvent(Object, int, String, Object). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
assetLoading(AssetEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
assetLoading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
sent to the image to indicate that asset loading has started/finished/failed
assetLoading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sent to the movie to indicate that asset loading has started/finished/failed
assetLoading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sent to the movie to indicate that asset loading has started/finished/failed
AssetManager(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManager
AssetManagerBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerBeanInfo
AssetManagerCustomizer(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer
AssetManagerCustomizer.AssetRenderer(AssetManagerCustomizer). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer.AssetRenderer
assetRegistered(AssetEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
assetRegistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
sent to the image when it has registered with an asset
assetRegistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sent to the movie when it has registered with an asset
assetRegistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sent to the movie when it has registered with an asset
assetUnloading(AssetEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
assetUnloading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
sent to the image to indicate that the asset has been unloaded, or an unload has been requested
assetUnloading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sent to the movie to indicate that the asset has been unloaded, or an unload has been requested
assetUnloading(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sent to the movie to indicate that the asset has been unloaded, or an unload has been requested
assetUnregistered(AssetEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
assetUnregistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
sent to the image to indicate that the asset has been unregistered
assetUnregistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sent to the movie to indicate that the asset has been unregistered
assetUnregistered(AssetEvent). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sent to the movie to indicate that the asset has been unregistered
atEnd(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
atEnd(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
atEnd(int). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.quicktime.StartFinishListener
atStart(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
generate a MovieAtStart event
atStart(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
generate a MovieAtStart event
atStart(int). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.quicktime.StartFinishListener
atTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
atTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
atTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
generate a MovieAtTime event
atTime(int). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.quicktime.TimeCallbackListener


blah. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECQuicktime


CallbackRescheduler(QTCallBack, int). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.CallbackRescheduler
if interval isn't passed, a default value of 500 milliseconds is used
CallbackRescheduler(QTCallBack, int, int). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.CallbackRescheduler
create & start rescheduling thread
clearTarget(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
cancel the callback
close(Object). Static method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.QTSessionDebug


ECImage(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
ECImageBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImageBeanInfo
ECMovie(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
ECMovieBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovieBeanInfo
ECPlayer(MovieController, MatrixModifier). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECPlayer
ECQuicktime(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECQuicktime
ECSound(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
ECSoundBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSoundBeanInfo
execute(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.StartFinishCallback
execute(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback.InternalTimeCallback


finalize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.QTSessionDebug
fOk. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECQuicktime
fOpener. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.QTSessionDebug


getAsset(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
returns location of current asset
getAsset(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns location of current asset
getAsset(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
returns location of current asset
getAssets(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManager
getAxis(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
getBeanDescriptor(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerBeanInfo
getData(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
return the asset data for the asset
getData(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
getData(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.ImageAsset
getData(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset
getData(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.QuicktimeAsset
getDuration(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
return the overall duration of the movie
getDuration(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
return the overall duration of the movie
getFile(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.QuicktimeAsset
getFileSize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
return file size of this asset
getIcon(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerBeanInfo
getIcon(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImageBeanInfo
getIcon(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovieBeanInfo
getIcon(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSoundBeanInfo
getIcon(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAssetBeanInfo
getJavaInitializationString(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ResizeFlagEditor
This method is used for code generation
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer.AssetRenderer
getLocation(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
the current url for the asset
getMovie(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset
getOrigin(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
returns origin (offset of image in the bean)
getOrigin(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns origin (offset of movie in the bean)
getOrigin(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
getPreview(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
return preview image for this asset
getPropertyDescriptors(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImageBeanInfo
Return the properties that are supported by the bean
getPropertyDescriptors(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovieBeanInfo
Return the properties that are supported by the bean
getPropertyDescriptors(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSoundBeanInfo
Return the properties that are supported by the bean
getRate(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns the playback rate of the movie
getRate(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
returns the playback rate of the movie
getResizeMode(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
getRotation(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
getRotationAngle(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns rotation angle
getRotationAxis(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns rotation angle
getScale(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
return the time scale used by the callback
getSize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
return size of this asset
getState(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
getTags(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ResizeFlagEditor
return popup menu options
getTarget(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
return the object that the callback is watching
getTime(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
return the current time (the position) of the movie - defaults to zero when there is no movie
getTime(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
return the current time (the position) of the movie - defaults to zero when there is no movie
getTime(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.MovieEvent
getTime(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
return the time that the callback will fire at
getTimeBase(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
getTimeBase(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
getTimeBase(). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.quicktime.TimeCallbackListener
getUrl(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
getVolume(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns the volume of the movie
getVolume(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
returns the volume of the movie


hasExpired(int). Static method in class com.elegantchaos.utilities.TimeoutManager


ImageAsset(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.ImageAsset
ImageAsset(String). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.ImageAsset
isAudible(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
can this asset be heard?
isAudible(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset
isAutoCursor(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns whether auto cursor setting is enabled
isBadge(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns whether the playback badge is visible when the controller is hidden
isCached(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
will the asset be cached in ram?
isControllerReserved(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
if controller is hidden, is space for it reserved?
isControllerVisible(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
return visibility of the controller
isDrag(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
can images be dragged off the movie
isEveryFrame(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
return whether every frame of the movie should be played
isLoaded(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
has the asset been loaded?
isLoop(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
should movie loop at end?
isLoop(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
should movie loop at end?
isMuted(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
isMuted(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
isOnce(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
isPalindrome(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
should movie loop at end?
isPalindrome(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
should movie loop at end?
isPlaying(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
is movie playing?
isPlaying(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
is movie playing?
isPreloaded(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
isResize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
should component resize when it's image is changed?
isResize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
should component resize when it's movie is changed?
isScale(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
returns whether the image will be scaled (as opposed to clipped) when the bean is a different size
isScale(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
returns whether the movie will be scaled (as opposed to clipped) when the bean is a different size
isStopped(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
is movie stopped?
isStopped(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
is movie stopped?
isVisual(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
can this asset be drawn?
isVisual(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.ImageAsset
isVisual(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset


kFailed. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
kFailed. Static variable in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
kFinished. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
kFinished. Static variable in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
kRequested. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
kRequested. Static variable in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener
kUndefined. Static variable in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetEvent
kUndefined. Static variable in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetListener


MatrixModifier(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
MatrixModifier(Point, float, Point). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
MovieAsset(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset
MovieAsset(String). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAsset
MovieAssetBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieAssetBeanInfo
movieAtEnd(MovieEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.MovieListener
movieAtStart(MovieEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.MovieListener
movieAtTime(MovieEvent). Method in interface com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.MovieListener
MovieEvent(Object, int). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.MovieEvent
MovieUrlAsset(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieUrlAsset
MovieUrlAssetBeanInfo(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.MovieUrlAssetBeanInfo


open(Object). Static method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.QTSessionDebug


play(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
start the movie playing
play(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
start the movie playing
preroll(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
preroll the movie to the current position
preroll(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
preroll the movie to the current position


QTSessionDebug(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.QTSessionDebug
QuicktimeAsset(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.QuicktimeAsset
QuicktimeAsset(String). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.QuicktimeAsset


removeAssetListener(AssetListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
call to unregister interest in this asset
removeMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
call this method to remove a listener registered with addMovieListener()
removeMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
call this method to remove a listener registered with addMovieListener()
removeMovieListener(MovieListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
call this method to remove a listener registered with addMovieListener()
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer
requestLoad(AssetListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
this method should be called by an asset listener to request an asset to load - the listener should have already registered themselves by calling addAssetListener()

if the asset is already loaded, the calling listener is immedietly sent an assetLoaded(kFinished) event - otherwise the load is requested, and appropriate events are sent to indicate the result

the idea here is to make sure that any user object only receives the load event once, but still inform all objects that need to know as soon as the load occurs.

requestUnload(AssetListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
this method should be called to request an asset to unload

if the asset is already unloaded, the calling listener is immedietly sent an assetUnloaded(kFinished) event - otherwise the routine first asks all registered listeners whether they mind the asset unloading, and only completes the unload if they all agree

ResizeFlagEditor(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ResizeFlagEditor
revertSize(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
revert to natural size of movie
rewind(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
stop the movie playing and set it's position back to zero
rewind(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
stop the movie playing and set it's position back to zero
run(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.CallbackRescheduler


setAsset(String). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
creates a new temporary (internal) asset, and uses it to specify the image to use, allowing you to use this bean without a ImageAsset bean
setAsset(String). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
creates a new temporary (internal) asset, and uses it to specify the movie to use, allowing you to use this bean without a MovieAsset bean
setAsset(String). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
creates a new temporary (internal) asset, and uses it to specify the movie to use, allowing you to use this bean without a MovieAsset bean
setAsText(String). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ResizeFlagEditor
convert the string value name into its real value
setAutoCursor(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether movie controller is allowed to set cursor
setAxis(Point). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
setBadge(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether the playback badge is visible when the controller is hidden
setCached(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
set whether the asset should be cached in ram
setControllerReserved(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether space is reserved for controller when controller is hidden
setControllerVisible(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set the visibility of the controller
setDisplayBounds(QDRect). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECPlayer
setDrag(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether images can be dragged off the movie
setEveryFrame(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether every frame of the movie should be played
setLocation(String). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
change the url for the asset
setLoop(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether movie should loop at end
setLoop(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
set whether movie should loop at end
setMuted(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
setMuted(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
setObject(Object). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.AssetManagerCustomizer
setOnce(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
setOrigin(Point). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
set origin (offset of image in the bean - you can use this property to scroll the image so that some of the image is cropped
setOrigin(Point). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set origin (offset of movie in the bean - you can use this property to scroll the movie so that some of the movie is cropped
setOrigin(Point). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
setPalindrome(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether movie should loop at end
setPalindrome(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
set whether movie should loop at end
setPlaying(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
play or stop the movie
setPlaying(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
play or stop the movie
setPreloaded(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
setRate(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set the playback rate of the movie
setRate(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
set the playback rate of the movie
setResize(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
setResize(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
setResizeMode(ResizeFlag). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
setRotation(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.MatrixModifier
setRotationAngle(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set rotation angle
setRotationAxis(Point). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set rotation angle
setScale(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECImage
set whether the image will be scaled (as opposed to clipped) when the bean is a different size
setScale(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set whether the movie will be scaled (as opposed to clipped) when the bean is a different size
setScale(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
set the time scale used by the callback
setStopped(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
stop or play the movie
setStopped(boolean). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
stop or play the movie
setTarget(TimeCallbackListener). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
set the object that the callback is watching
setTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
set the time (position) of the movie
setTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
set the time (position) of the movie
setTime(int). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
set the time that the callback will fire at
setTimeout(int, int, int). Static method in class com.elegantchaos.utilities.TimeoutManager
setVolume(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
sets the volume of the movie
setVolume(float). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
sets the volume of the movie
StartFinishCallback(StartFinishListener, boolean). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.quicktime.StartFinishCallback
stop(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECMovie
stop the movie playing
stop(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.ECSound
stop the movie playing


TimeCallback(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback
TimeCallback.InternalTimeCallback(TimeCallback, TimeCallback, TimeBase, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.beans.quicktime.TimeCallback.InternalTimeCallback
TimeoutManager(). Constructor for class com.elegantchaos.utilities.TimeoutManager


validateObject(). Method in class com.elegantchaos.beans.asset.Asset
we do our initialisation here, after loading of this class and any subclasses has taken place